
I have a son aged 2 years, what sort of knowledge building toys can i buy for him ?

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I am living in Chennai, India, any knowledge building toys that makes the child involved and interested, which is availabel in india(if possible in Madras(new name Chennai) is what i am looking for. I am also looking for parental tips for my son aged 2 years and daughter aged 5 months.




  1. I live in America, so our cultures are going to vary greatly on parenting. So, I'll just stick to the toy question.

    Try brightly colored blocks. Lego also makes LARGE legos called 'duplo blocks' there are many off brands of these snap together bricks and the are often more inexpensive. Playing with your child is the key to their interest in anything. I found the best thing about being a mom is that my job, when done it's best,  is to play toys with them.

    I would say when your son is less oral with his toys, maybe 5 or 6 years old, you can get him an Erector set. My boys LOVE the contruction toy. But there are hundreds of TEENY TINY parts, so be sure to teach him proper discipline of putting the pieces away.  I have my sons work on a white blanket, so we can see all the little parts. Some erector sets come with a 6 volt motor to make their creations mobile!

  2. Why don't you also try some shape sorting toys..where he has to match the shapes to the hole they go in.

    Also nesting toys which fit inside each other.

    Also how about just plain wooden blocks?

  3. building blocks

    shape sorters

    art supplies

    musical instruments

    books to read to him with pictures he'll like

    advice: be loving and affectionate.  Let them know you are there for them and love them.  Tell them you love them and all the things you like about them.  Hold them and be proud of them.  Let them know you are proud.

  4. the best way for kids to learn is to talk to them show them things. a good toy is always the most simple toy like blocks or puzzles thangs they can do with they can do and see a instant result so they get gratification and pride out of doing it.and praise them.

  5. The Lamaze Company makes excellent toys for infants, as does Baby Einstein.  The Lamaze toys are great for sensory stimulation, which increases the infants vision and spatial awareness, attention span and motivates them to hold their heads up, roll over and want to reach and grab, etc.

    Building toys are wonderful.  My son always loved the basics:  Lincoln logs (which are making a big comeback, now) and the Legos/Duplos.  If your child is 2, he would be better off with just the Lincoln logs (made of wood and easier to put together, and not a choking hazard) or the larger Duplo blocks.

    My son also loved Tinkertoys, but I think they may not sell those anymore, because they have sticks that may be considered hazardous.

    Other toys that are great are puzzles, building blocks that don't have to be put together, just the colored, different shaped ones that your son can stack and build forts with.  Those let him be creative and fun without making him stick to any kind of pattern.

    You can find many, many things on Ebay!  Lots of things you can't even find in stores any longer people will have on Ebay.

    Other things I always encourage my students' parents to have on hand is plain paper and lots of crayons and markers.  Let them draw and write and create.  I don't like coloring books, because they limit their imaginations.  Kids have very vivid imaginations, and they can create many magical things!

    One word of parenting advice:  whatever your child is doing, do it with him!  He needs you to be an active parent, to help him see other ways of building, stacking, creating or just having fun.  Otherwise, he won't learn as he plays, and he will just become isolated.  Children need some alone time, but they need their parents, too.  Even your daughter needs lots of interactive play time with you.

    Have fun and don't be afraid to be silly with your kids!  Every day should be a magical, fun day!

  6. If the VTech or Playskool products are available for you to buy where you live, try those. They are great teaching toys. They have different age groups for their activities. Leap Frog learning toys are good products to try, also.

  7. Melissa & Doug toys are great!  Not sure if they are available in India, but they are available online.  They are mostly wooden toys, leveled by ages.  For 2-year-olds you will find everything from spatial awareness toys (puzzles, stacking blocks, etc.) to pretend play (puppets, kitchen toys, etc.) to motor deveopment toys (building blocks, lacing, etc.).  They even make musical toys that develop music ability.  I LOVE Melissa & Doug!   My kids do too!

  8. Lego blocks (or Megablocks). I don't know if you can get those there,  but they're great.

    Also, give him play-doh (plastecine clay) to make stuff. Painting and coloring is also very instructive.

  9. I loved lincoln logs when I was that age

  10. Baby Einstien toys are excellent.

  11. My dear lady a child of two has just now received his first pair of pants with pockets.

    To in courage curiosity's I suggest filling those pockets.

    A cheap pair of collapsible Opera glasses,a dollar bill, A wagon to hall his toys in,and a couple of large card board boxes to crawl in and his own personal bean bag chair to watch his favorite TV shows and share a portion of the living area that is his alone.

  12. I used to give my daughter plastic scissors (for kids) and old magazines to cut up... would occupy her for hours.  Duplo Lego, is great, even I love playing with that!  Playdoh is great too, here is a receipe that I use to make playdoh from scratch.  The kids love participating in "the making" part as well!

    2 1/2 cups of flour

    1/2 cup of salt

    1 tblsp cream of tarter

    2 packages of unsweetened Kool-Aid or 1 package of Jello

    3 tblsp of oil

    2 cups of boiling water

    1 tsp of vanilla extract

    Mix dry ingredients.  Add oil and water and stir quickly over low heat until thickens.  When cool enough to handle, knead into a ball.  Store in ziplock or airtight container.

    Have fun!!

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