
I have a son that is a little over 2 and doesn't talk like he should any ideas?

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My son Christian was 2 at the end of march and still doesn't have a 25 word vocabulary. He is however very smart. You know he understands you and he's even come up with his own little sign language, that of course, I'm the only one who understands him. My six year old was talking in complete sentences and potty trained by the time he was 18 months old! I am very frustrated and concerned. Help!!




  1. My son is 3 1/2 and doesn't talk as well as the other 3 year olds at his kinder (although it has picked up since he started at kinder). However, he knows all his numbers, letters, colours and animals, remembers street directions better than I can and can use a computer better than myself and my partner combined. So my answer, don't worry too much. Kids are all different. Don't compare your children.

    Try talking to him about everything you're doing, even if it's just washing the dishes, brushing your teeth etc...

    If you're really in a panic see a pediatrician and get a referral to a speech pathologist.

  2. Don't worry he'll talk when he's ready. My daughter was talking at 18 months, my son was not talking until he was 31/2. It has nothing to do with intelligence children are individuals and develop at different rates.

  3. Boys do talk later then girls normally do. Every child is different. Talk to your doctor. As long as he does talk then i wouldn't be super worried. One day you will be surprised by everything he will say.  

  4. please take him to be evaluated by early intervention/ birth to 3 in your area. He has a delay (which you KNOW in your heart). the fact that he is creating his own sign language shows you how smart he is and how badly he wants to communicate with you. I can almost bet that he has more temper tantrums too....over what seems like stupid or trivial things. My son was like that too. He had a 10 word vocabulary and grunted for everything else. At 27 months old I had a speech eval done and he was a full 12 months behind in expressive speech. Eventually it was discovered that he has developmental verbal apraxia. He has been treated for 6 months now and is making a ton of progress, but still has a way to go. EI pays for his therapy and gave him a budget for tools such as sign language DVDs, a professional workbook, and flash cards.

    Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. I can tell you a series of oral-motor exercises to have him try to see if apraxia might be his problem...and I have a great article describing apraxia in children that I can e-mail you.

  5. Don't be frustrated! =)

    All kids develop differently. He will get there eventually. Just make sure that when you are talking to him, you use simple words that are easy to pronounce. Avoid baby talk, and use the correct pronunciation of every word. It's great that he has his own little sign language. Communication doesn't seem to be an issue here. =)

    Before you hand him things or show him things, ask him "what is this?" and give him a minute to show some kind of response, and then say "that's right! It's a *fill in the blank*"

    If he doesn't catch on in another month or two, I would talk to the pediatrician also. He/She can do an evaluation to see if he's where he should be in development.  

  6.      Altho we are all different, I do have an idea but only from experience.

         My son was tounge tied and I knew it since he was born, but the doctors did not recognize it until he was five.

  7. Every child develops at their own rate. It is not that unusual for a boy to talk later. If you are concerned you should talk to your child's doctor for a hearing test or you can contact your local Early Childhood Intervention program. They will come to you! They will do a complete assessment and will set up any services if any your son will need. ECI only provides services from birth to the age of 3. Once your son turns 3 your local school district can provided services, like speech,etc.

    I have worked with families that are involved with ECI and love the services. They are set up to help families just like yours with questions. If nothing else then to just let you get piece of mine that everything is fine. And the best part is, They are specialist, working with children. You can't beat that!  Good look! and please don't let other parents pressure you about him not talking, Maybe he just doesn't have much to say right now. I have seen children not speak then suddenly the flood gates open and they never stop talking. Keep your chin up!  

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