
I have a sore in the back of my mouth down under by my tounge?

by  |  earlier

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it hurts when i chew, talk, swallow, and when i try to stick out my tounge. its not white or anything. it just looks a little red. so i dont think its a canker sore. and im pretty sure its not a cold sore either. i figured it was from eating lots of sweet food the past few days but im still unsure.




  1. probably an ulcer. Use warm salt water rinses. If it continues to bother you after 2-3 days you may want to contact your dentist for something to help with it. We give out Zilactin B.

    IF it doesn't resolve itself after a week call your dentist and have them look at it.

    I really think the warm salt water rinses should help you.

  2. rinse your mouth with some hydrogen peroxide for a couple of days. If it  don't clear up see your dentist.

  3. Let the vetenarian have a look...

  4. as u knoe prevention is better than cure so u should avoid .but still au must take roxcid that a throat medicine n go to doctor h**l apply purple medicine on u r tongue

  5. you have an ulcer.

    Try gargling with some warm water and salt.

    That should take a way some of the pains.

    hope i helped :)

  6. See your dentist.

  7. you got an ulcer my dear. go look it up on google, and find a medicine or something.

  8. its an olcer. get gly-oxide

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