
I have a sore on the inside of my mouth.?

by  |  earlier

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Both of my wisdom teeth have come in but the one on my right side is just halfways out (it doesn't hurt at all) and it's been like this for a while. A few days ago all of a sudden I noticed this swelling on the inside of my cheek right next to my wisdom tooth. It just looks swollen. I don't have pain if I'm not moving my mouth but when I eat or drink something it stings. It feels a lot like a canker sore but doesn't look like it at all. It just looks like the skin in my mouth is swollen. I've read it could be an ulcer or abscess. I haven't had any pain in that tooth either. Should I got to the doctor or the dentist? Or should I rinse with salt water and see if it goes down? I just don't to spend tons of money on doctor visits. I have a doctor associated with my work but they don't do dentistry. Who should I go to?




  1. sounds like an ucler  just was your mouth out with a mouth wash are use salt and warm water u

  2. You probably should see an ears, nose and throat specialist immediately to rule out any serious complications with your half grown wisdom tooth.  Any sore that does not resolve itself within a few days should be checked by a medical professional.

  3. go to your GP just to make sure it's nothing serious .

    it sounds like a bit mark off you teeth to me but better safe than sorry , right ?

    good luck

  4. It sounds like a ulcer coming through. I have had those and they are quite irritating. Try an over the counter medication such as bonjela to help it. If it doesn't go down in a few days, try going to your dentist x

  5. I would make an appointment with your dentist and in the meantime do salt water rinses.

    You can always cancel the appointment if it goes.

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