
I have a sore red graze on my face how do i dry it out, make it scab over quickly!!?

by  |  earlier

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it looks horrible!




  1. It will heal and leave your face naturally, leave it covered until its stopped weeping then let it heal naturally in the air. Do not put anything on it unless it gets infected    

  2. such an abrasion needs to be kept moist and covered.  If it scabs over, you will have an awful scar once the scab drops away.  Keep applying antibiotic ointment, like Bacitracin, and keep it covered with a sterile dressing until it heals...or wear a scar on your face for the rest of your life...your choice.

  3. Don't dry it out. Put loads of moisture on it. They go all soft and just tend to fall off on their own then. Hold a wet flannel to your face for as long as you can and put some moisturizer on it before you go to sleep.

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