
I have a sore throat...?

by  |  earlier

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I have a sore throat and i have heard that spunk is a good cure? is this true?




  1. Actually, that's a well known cause of sore throats.

    For a cure, try hot Slippery Elm tea (coats the throat, instantly soothing) with lots of fresh squeezed organic lemon juice (antiseptic) and raw local honey (antibiotic).

  2. i really don't know!

    i find a strepsil does the job tho

  3. I always up my vit C and warm or hot liquid intake, cayenne lemon and honey is a nice cough syrup.

    ...and to put me to sleep and numb the throat to do so a nice shot or double shot of Overproof Rum is sometimes the key.

  4. honey is best for sore throat...try it and u will feel the difference  

  5. Try it and tell us!

  6. Nah, go with the Oil of Oregano

    take internally

    also gargle with some.

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