
I have a sore throat that went away and just came back?

by  |  earlier

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I had it for a week and it isnt terrible.. just when i swallow , or drink something it hurts a little bit. I didnt take any medicines for that week besides natural herbal drops. It then went away for about 3 days and today it just came back. It is possibly a little worse than before. Im not coughing or anything and i dont smoke. so whats the problem? if there are any home remedies i can do for this that would be good. I dont want to go to the Doctor.. I have tried massive amounts of different juices, mint tea, vitamin c, and honey.




  1. If you don't want to go to the doctor, there's not much you can do except wait it out. Echinacea herbal remidies sometimes help though, and keep up with the vitamin C. if it continues. see a doctor

  2. just wait it out !!!

  3. if it hurts when you swallow could just be a sore throat or a thyroid problem if you think its not bad then try pain relivers or get a blood test to determind if its a thyroid problem sorry if im scaring you but got to face reality..but if its not that serious then its probably nothing to worry about  :)

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