
I have a speech on why kids should play soccer please give me some reasons?

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I have a speech on why kids should play soccer please give me some reasons?




  1. the one true international sport.

    size doesn't matter - skill does.

    very athletic - a good midfielder will run approximately 15 km in a match.

    As a junior - and if refereed well - non-contact so less chance of injury.

    Biggest junior participation of any sport in Australia - so therefore more divisions so people can play at their skill level

    If they are good - more chance than any other sport of being a professional and living off the game (ie so many teams world wide - through every country - that can pay a decent wage - even second teir english teams (Champions League) pay upward of 400,000 pounds for a player - so at least 46 teams in England alone that pays more than the highest paid Rugby League player - not including germany, spain, italy, holland, portugal, japan - or the other 150 odd countries)

  2. soccer require running

    Running get you in better shape

    therefore soccer get you in better shape

    Get in better shape makes you live longer

    live longer you got more time to make more money

    therefore play soccer will make you make more money.

  3. ok i thought of a great speech you will enjoy it

    soccer is for pansys

    afl is the sport for all australians

    if ya like soccer move to the Uk

    we have a better game its called afl

  4. Cause it keeps them active so they don't sit around doing nothing but eating and become overweight. :)

    Cause it's fun.

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