
I have a spider in my room????

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I have a spider in my room and I can't pick it up, cos am terrified of it, and my mum is asleep so I don't want to disturb her by putting the vacuum on to suck it up?

Any ideas would be appreciated thanks in advance




  1. Just pretend it's not there, it'll soon go away.

  2. Leave it alone,  it will not harm you  

  3. Lure it in to an empty jar or can or w/e. Then let it go outside. =D

    Simple solution without harming it.

  4. Fear of a creature should not be a reason to kill it,appreciate all living things.All you have to do is get a peice of paper and let the spider run onto the piece of paper and then open the window and throw it outside or gently escort it outside on the peice of paper.It wont bite you just be calm overcome your fear and you will feel allot better because you didnt kill it,trust me.Spiders are amazing creatures normaly i just leave them on the way and forget about them and guess what im still here it didnt kill memi let it go home to the baby spiders who were missing its mommy

  5. Leave it, it won't hurt you and they kill flies.

  6. Put a glass or jar over it that it cant get away then leave it till morning good luck I am the same  but I have bought a spider trap they are very good I got mine from Betterwear

  7. Keep a box, pot or clear glass in your room along with a piece of stiff cardboard so that if you see a spider you can throw the pot over it. Slide the card underneath. Carefully shake it to the bottom of the glass and keep the card over the top so it can't escape, then carry it out and place the whole thing in the bath so that if it escapes from the pot it can't climb out of the bath. Don't wash it down the plug-hole as it will climb back out, and don't hoover it, because they can often escape from them as well. The hairspray idea is really cruel and often doesn't work. Just catch it and put it in the bath so that someone else can throw it outside in the morning.

  8. Spiders do no harm, be a big girl and go to sleep! leave the poor bugger alone, he's doing you no harm!

  9. get a newpaper and smack it

    or better; leave it alone, it's part of nature after all

  10. spray it with any kind of bug spray

    and it will die  

  11. I sometimes put a cup over it & then slide a piece of cardboard under it & then take it outside.

  12. Put a cup over the spider and slip under card or paper and quickly get it out the window.

  13. Spray it with hairspray! or be brave and squash it with a tissue or something. How big is it?

  14. leave it it probably likes you

  15. no no no do not listen to ribena!! theres no reason to kill an innocent spider and make him suffer. scoop him up with a paper plate and put him outside.

  16. Take a cup/container and place it over the spider- careful not to pinch its' legs in it. Slide a paper very gently under the cup and take the spider outside and release it. Spiders are beneficial to have around, be kind to it. :)

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