
I have a spot problem..?

by  |  earlier

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i get spots on my bk but not too many ,i have medication n they dun get bad till my period comes,then i can clear most of them up with germoline... but i get spots on my bk, bottom ,some on my arms, neck and legs, especialy on my bk n i hate them wat can i do??? plz help....




  1. I would ask your doctor to refer you to a dermatologist - they are specialised in skin and should be able to help clear up your skin completely. I know you said you were on medication already but dermatologists are able to provide you with the strongest medication possible which may help to clear up your spots.

    I did this when I was younger and the dermatologists prescription sorted my spots out completely, also it was free as I was reffered through my doctor (just in case you were worried about cost)

    Hope this helps.

  2. Squeeze it!!!

  3. use aloeride

  4. i get some on my shoulders some times they freakin kill  

  5. cheapest option would be to try drinking lots of water, and cut out sugary foods. Seriously, my boyfriend can tell when i have chocolate as the next day i'll have bad skin! not good!

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