
I have a stalker friend that i cant get rid of what should i do?

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i have a stalker friend that is on the internet and always texting me and always not listening to me but i sort of like him. he lives in india and i live here in america sometimes he scares me though when he dont listen to me and calls me anyway when i tell him dont it makes me wonder if he would not listen to anytbhing else that i may say. but i want to be with him sort of in the future but i dont think its a good idea to hold relationships with people you met on the internet. he's really sweet though but i want to stay friends. i am going to change my num. though but i will still contact him on yahoo. do you guys in india date young women or how does that go. i like to talk to foreigners to instant message me on yahoo. girls and guys




  1. Well Lolisa, let me tell u one thing that Friendship should not be conditional, it should be free from all boundries.

    In ur case, if u are forced to put on some restriction on him about his behaviour then its evident that he is not worthy for ur friendship.

    U just change ur number and avoid contacting him in future. Try n find someone else with whom u r more comfortable.

  2. oh i know what you mean...The most intruding thing the stalker had ever done as of yet was hitting me with the Trojan virus on my computer. I suspected some "phishy" stuff happening along with my gut feelings.

  3. see u only say that he is a nice guy .he is cute what's wrong in having a clean nice relationship of friendship .................but ya if u have some problem with his a ctivities so tell him .freely don't mind w3hat he will think just say him that u don't  like the stuffs he do .if he wants to have a friendship with u then he should stop behaving like that.................

  4. Just stay away from him and don't talk to him. He probably wouldn't listen anyways.

  5. tell him you'll go to the police he wont mess with you ever


  6. yes......

  7. well contradicting yourself every other sentence doesnt help us answer you much.  if he lived 10,000 miles away change your number and your problem is solved

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