
I have a standard USA telephone jack w 2 lines (4 wires).(6 poss.)?

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this jack supports 3 total lines all color coded right now there are 2 lines. one line has 1 phone # the second has a different phone #. I need to connect the FAX machine to the second phone # to do that I need to know the standard ATT/Bell color codes for each line so I can by pass elimination process.




  1. If your phone wire is red/green/,black/yellow then line 2 will be black/yellow. If your phone wire is blue/white, orange/white, green/white, and brown/white line 2 is orange/white.  That should work provided the jack was wired properly.

  2. As above, the standard assignment is:

    Line 1:  Red = ring,  green = tip

    Line 2:  Yellow = ring,  black = tip


    Line 1:  Blue/white = ring,  white/blue = tip

    Line 2:  Orange/white = ring, white/orange = tip

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