
I have a strange re-occurring dream.?

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I started having this dream the night after I visited the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland about a year ago and I still have it from time to time, it is worse when I am under a lot of stress.

I dream that I fall off of the Cliffs of Moher over and over again, 6000 feet down in different ways. Sometimes I trip and fall over, sometimes the wind takes me, sometimes an enemy pushes me, sometimes a friend pushes me, sometimes I jump... I NEVER fall the same way twice, but I fall over and over again for as long as I am asleep. I never hit the water - there is never any pain. Sometimes I'm exhilarated, other times afraid - it depends on how I start the fall. The whole time, "Run" by Snow Patrol plays in the background. It is always that song, never any other.

Anyone have any idea what this means exactly - mostly how the song fits in?




  1. How the song fits in with jumping over the cliff you ask: Don't the lyrics say "I'll sing it one last time for you... we really have to go?" Indeed the word "good-bye" figures explicitly. The result of it is that "we're bound to be afraid".

    Afraid of what? Afraid of parting; but parting they must for the relationship is not working here and now. This is expressed in the line "we'll make it anywhere away from here".

    The song is bemoaning the fact that although the fire of love (look at the video which is playing with fire symbolising hot s*x) once burnt for a time, perhaps one night, it cannot last because the match is not for the long haul.

    When it is like that we feel like jumping off a cliff which is obviously symbolical of ending one's misery. The fascinating thing is that falling is highly sexual. Indeed, do we not say "falling in love"? We do, we do so because falling is generating a sense of flying and flying is in turn generating a sense of freedom as in the moment of an o****m. After the o****m we are emotionally dead, dead as we would be if we jumped 6000 feet.  

    Looking down 6000 feet too is connected with sexual arousal. Being up high is analogous to a sexual high. It must in the end break which is like a fall, a release of tension, and indeed of falling flat on our face.

    The sexuality of the song-video is born out by the motor bike which is a thrill machine (speed is thrill) and also the playing with fire, for s*x is hot stuff and dangerous like fire.

    You say these dreams are more prone to occur when you are stressed. Your stress obviously has its roots in a sexual relationship or the lack thereof. Either its absence or if it exists, its incompatibility, causes you stress.

    This song has by now become a symbol of impending stress for you. It may even occur if you are not stressed because of sexual discomfort of one kind or another, but for other reasons too, that makes you want to get out of the current situation.

    I found it interesting that this song is highly popular, a great success. It tells me that a large proportion of young people are miserable, that their love relationships are not working out, that they are confused as to what constitutes love; that they mostly confuse love with lust and that they have to learn the hard way that lust is like firecrackers that bang and sparkle for a brief moment and then is followed by depression as regularly as clock-work. Yeah, the motorbike, the thrill machine crashing in a blaze of fire says it all!!!

  2. The song is connected with a situation where you felt the same emotions as when you go over the cliff, something on the day your visited triggered a memory from before that gave you some concern - something that was repeated in slightly different ways but which caused you to experience the same emotions.

    I would guess that every time you hear that song you get the same feelings as in the dream and previous event.

  3. Wow,

    thats whoa.


    i have a similar dream once in awhile,

    ive always thought its just been something in my life that i cant get my mind off, or something bad happening..

    and i dont wanna think of it,

    so my dream just becomes something thats trying to mix bad and good but comes out terrible..

    you know hahah

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