
I have a stressed cat.

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Me and my family have recently been moving around a lot and my three year old (almost four) cat has been losing some hair. like patches of hair. An employee at petsmart said he was probably stressed. I didn't talk to her much like about how to make it grow back or anything because she was busy. so i am wondering...

one, was she right that it is probably stress?

two, how can i help his anxiety go away and stop the hair loss?

three, when will the hair he lost grow back?

four, do i need to take him to the vet?




  1. 1) it could be stress. it could also be a bacteria thing. same thing happened to my aunties cat once so we went to the pet shop and bought some anti bacterial shampoo thing. it was better in a couple of days with its fur starting to grow back smoothly.

    2) start pampering it and feeding it. it might be something as wanting to get outside when it can't or the outside is scaring him. keep her in at night time

    3) depends on when the stress stops but it should start growing back in around 2 weeks to a month

    4) you can if the problem doesn't stop it might be a good idea in case there is a real big problem. otherwise it could be a waste of twenty bucks


  2. Vet trip is probably a good idea. But til then, pet him alot, if he likes it. Feed him his favorite foods. and get him some catnip!

  3. I agree, kitty is probably very stressed.  Kitties attach to their surroundings..their territory..and you have changed his territory several times in a short timeframe.

    Extreme hair loss can be caused by several factors including parasites, allergies or stress.  If he hasn't had a wellness check in a while, it might be a good idea to schedule one to rule out a medical problem and to ease your worries.

    The technical term for hair loss due to stress is psychogenic alopecia.  I have attached a link so you can read more about it.

    Some hints to help calm his stress are the Bach Flower Essences Rescue Remedy and Feliway.  I have attached links for those for more reading, too.

    I have used the Rescue Remedy with a very ill kitty and it did help relax her.  Also, a rescue sanctuary I donate to uses it for the new arrivals to help ease the stress and fears of their new surroundings.  I have not use Feliway, but it appears to be a good product.

    Purrs to you and kitty.

  4. well, here's your answers

    One: Yes, it is more than likely stress.

    Two: Your kitty will continue to be stressed as long as you keep moving him.  He might start to feel better as she gets used to the moves but I doubt it.  

    Three: It will probably grow back after he is no longer stressed out.

    Four: You could take him to the vet, they might tell you the same thing, but if you are really worried, it won't hurt!

  5. Had same problem.  You must go to the vet.  They will give it stress reliever.

  6. I dont know
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