
I have a stupid baby father. so after 5 years he wants a DNA test. its because i divorced his sorry ***.

by  |  earlier

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now i live in ny and he lives in texas. how do we do a DNA test. how much does it cost? does it have to be by blood or can it be a cotton swab? are there any easy ways of doing this?




  1. You CHOSE to have s*x with this guy so if he is stupid that doesn't say much about you does it?  Proof of paternity DNA testing is usually done by bloodwork and it is done through the court system.  How much it costs and who pays for it depends upon the court orders as well as who is to pay the court costs.  

  2. If you were married he is the child's legal father no matter what. Don't worry about a DNA test and make his *** pay.

  3. You didn't know he was stupid before you had a child together?  If he wants a DNA test, let him know he can pay for it.  Then get a lawyer.

    *Sigh*.....don't people know who they are making lives with?

  4. google identagene   this company does DNA tests for the public. I would make him pay for everything since he is the one wanting it.

  5. What a lame phrase "BABY FATHER".  The FATHER is a BABY?   Does anyone speak English anymore?  "Father of my child/baby"....and the child isn't a BABY if he/she is FIVE YEARS OLD.

    To answer your question, if HE wants the DNA test, let HIM handle all the finances for it. The test can simply be done with a swab inside your mouth.  

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