
I have a subwoofer but what exactly do I plug into it?

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The Subwoofer has 2 stereo looking plugs (the red and the white ones, but these are both white) that are labelled "lo-level" 0dB and +12dB

It also has an individual Speakon cable that is labelled hi-level and doesn't say anything about decibels near it

What I would like to know is which of these should be plugged into my stereo thing?

Also, what type of connection would the Speakon connection cable need to be at the other end, and where would it plug into?

If you need more information about the setup then feel free to ask, I can always find out for you if I don't know.





  1. Does the sub woofer have its own amplifier? built in or attached to it?

    the low level inputs are for small signal inputs to feed into an amplifier.

    If you don't have an amplifier specifically for the sub woofer. then use the high level inputs.

    Perhaps your main receiver or amplifier has designated out put jacks for either mode. Check your manual.

    email me if you need more help

  2. an amplifier

  3. Right, you've got a REL subwoofer - one of the best names in the business.  The Q201E has a built-in 200 watt amplifier, so you will need a power lead for it to work (check out Merlin or QED).

    REL have the option of Neutrik Speakon connections, because they offer the most reliable link between amp and speaker.  A Speakon connector should fit to the 'subwoofer' output of your amplifier.

    The common alternative is a single subwoofer phono cable from amp to sub, plugged into one of the phono inputs (try the '0db' one first).

    The Sherwood was a pretty good amp in its time.  However, that was a long while ago and it is very outclassed now. eBay perhaps...?

    The Teac, on the other hand, has seen some very good reviews recently.  You are far better to set everything up with that, rather than the Sherwood.

  4. Hi Giltrap

    Twisted is right, Rel subs are probably the best in the market, make sure your floorboards are well nailed in!

    Basically, the Low level input is the one you would use it you were 'feeding' the signal into the Sub from a low level source. That is a source that is amplified at a low level. Think of all the leads at the back of a Hifi System that connect the CD Player, Tuner etc into the Amp - These are Low level Leads.

    A High level signal, is basically a signal that has been amplified to a high level - EG: The main leads that run from the Amp to the speakers.

    So you have 2 options for connecting your Sub: -

    Option 1 (The best Audio option)

    Your Amplifier should have a single RCA (Phono Type) socket at the back which will either be labelled 'Pre-out' or Sub out.  If it's a good quality amp, there may be 2 outlets, should you wish to use 2 subs.

    Plug the low level input lead from your sub into one of these outputs. NB. You might have to go into your Amp menu and set your front speakers to 'Small' (Even if they're big) to ensure a bass frequency is output from the Pre out socket.

    Option 2

    If your Amp doesn't have a Pre or Sub out output, you can use the 'High level' input on your Sub. Usually there isn't a plug on these wires as you simply have to make a break in one of the main speaker leads and joint the two together.(Ideally Centre channel if you have one)

    The only downside with this is you will only using the bass signal that is sent to that particular channel (Speaker).

    Good luck, hope this helped.


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