
I have a survival knife that has a sheath. The blade it probably 8 inches long. Legal to carry in car?

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It is a hunting/survival knife with a sheath. Blade is probably 8 inches long. Am I allowed to carry this in my car?




  1. Allowed by who? If you mean the local cops, then you have to look up your town's regulations on weapons in cars. It could rate as a felony in your jurisdiction - but just outside the limits, the county may care less. It will change from each jurisdiction, and any one of them may arrest you on the spot, or not at all.

    Most importantly, it must be kept in a separate locked area not available to the driver or readily at hand - like the trunk.

    As for using it for any self defense related purpose, you would be better off not bothering. Unless you have serious martial arts training and are not bothered by getting cut up in a knife fight, you'd be at a disadvantage with almost any assailant. If you wave it around to impress someone, you will be the assailant and the cops will throw you down when they catch you.

    Get a cheap cell phone, be more aware of your surroundings, and don't go where trouble hangs around. If at all possible, get a concealed carry permit and an easy to carry firearm, learn your local jurisdictions's laws, and be prepared to take more guff than you should. You can't brandish and be the good guy.  

  2. it might depend on were you live because i know were i live you must have a knife thats as big or smaller then the palm of your hand..which isnt really that big... anything bigger then the palm of your hand you need a "permit" for

  3. Each state has its own laws. Check with the attorney general's office in your state.

    Its illegal in my state.  

  4. omly if its for self defense then yeah

  5. It varies by state a great deal, so it's almost impossible to say for you individually.  But the majority of states do not allow fixed blade knives in passenger compartment or carried concealed on one's person.

    Get some advice from a criminal attorney, because both state and city laws apply.  Good attorneys will usually give you one free consult.

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