
I have a swim meet on monday, but im scared because of past experiences..what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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ive been on the swim team for 3 years...the first year, i went to only 2 meets..the 2nd i avoided meets and this year, im kinda freaked out.last time, i got placed last because i was competing with people 3 years older..and now im old enoguh to compete in that...but im a little nervous?should i just back down or take a chance?




  1. in the sport of swimming, you are competing against the clock. i  ve been in the slowest heat in the world before, but take it as a challenge to beat all those slow pokes. swim meets are fun, you get to hang with your friends and push yourself beyond your ability. even if you do get placed last, make a joke about it or keep your time to yourself. someone has to get last, and it just happened to be you. just know that you tried your best and plan to keep practicing and work harder.

    In short, take a chance. Go to the meet!!!

  2. Well i am a 2 level swimmer and i get SO nervous that i feel like i will get sick. but then i realized, all i have to do is pray to God. I forgot to pray on my first event. then i got a DQ. i hope u know wut that means. but i prayed on the last two events and i got 3 seconds faster on one event. and 9 seconds faster on the last one! just pray to God and go for it. trust him and trust yourself. just go for it! i know you will do awesome. Whoever puts their strength in the Lord, Will have great accomplishments!

  3. definatly take a chance. i was in your position once, but with a dance competition, i thought i should bake out because i didnt go to alot of the practicies, not to mention i wasnt dancing half  as long as these other girls were. but i stuck it out, went to the competition and placed last, and let me tell you it fealt like first. i was so proud of myself for going out there and giving it my all. buttom line, definatly go for it!! you'll kick yourself later if you dont!

  4. Take a chance . Between now and Monday get yourself in a better mindset ; and avoid telling yourself anything negative . It's amazing what you can do when you think positive . No more "freaked out" or "scared" remarks or you'll have yourself believing that . What the mind can believe it can achieve ! It would be rare for someone to top competitors 3 years ahead of you - but you had the courage to compete . That says a lot in itself . You have it in you . Go for it . Swimming it great in itself . Don't ever give it up .

  5. Take the chance. It's hard, especially because you had a bad experience last time, but you've been practicing longer now, and as you said, you're now the same age as everyone else. Just go and try your best, but be happy whatever your performance. You'll be proud of yourself for going through with it despite your fear.

  6. i'm a swimmer too, I have to swim the 200 fly today so I'm really nervous. But you know, wimps never go anywhere. At first I wanted to chicken out and scratch, but then I realized that I had to step up to the challenge. Take the chance. Remeber, your mental limit is not your physical limit. You're body can handle wayy more than you think it can. Go out and take the chance, hey it might be painful but you'll feel good after it. Good luck! xoxo lyssaa

  7. Just go for it!

    Being nervous is normal.  Once you start, you can't go back so give it your all.

    Good luck.

  8. You should take the chance. I've been in the same experiance when I had to swim my first long distance event. Trust me, I've embarassed myself soo many times in swimming that it doesn't even bother me. I'm just proud I tried my best. ANd you should be too.

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