I started getting this swelling 3-4 days ago.
It is a lymph node FOR SURE.
My doctor doesn't know what it is.
He actually thought it was an STD.
But the trick is i dont have Pain while peeing, Discharge of any color.
He looked for Warts, Herpies, etc. and NOTHING.
But on the 3rd day of swelling it started getting really uncomfortable.
the Lymph Node itself is Fairly tender and Sensitive when touch it but the pain is AROUND my swollen lymph node. i dont have any symptoms of the STD's he mentioned so i dont know what it is.
Could it be allergies?
two days before the swelling she changed my laundry detergent.
a day before the swelling i went to a local Theme Park.
I had excema on my legs fairly bad and i went on this water ride.
I broke out in a rash behind my knee and severe excema on the same side of my swelling.
Did the laundry detergent cause me to have an allergic break out? Could the water contaminate me through a possible open Excema?
I need answers bad..
i dunno whats going on.
all my doctor told me to do was take 3 Ibuprofin and Warm Compresses but thats not helping. the swelling hasn't went up for 2 days. what is happening?