
I have a tank but i want decor??!!!!?

by Guest65522  |  earlier

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i ant decor for my tank but is so expensive! carnt i just use outside rocks and sticks for my leopard geckos tank? i heard you need to de-contaminate them but how??!!!!




  1. You can use cardboard boxes as hides. I cut a hole in the side of a cardboard box and then painted it brown to resemble something in the desert. I have even heard of people covering Cool Whip containers with tan felt to make them look natural. If you use rocks from outside, you should boil them for a minimum of about 10 minutes to sanitize them. If you want to use wood, it would be best to get it at a pet store. They sell driftwood in large packages for about $6 at Petco and Petsmart.

    Also, you can get a desert background to put on the back of your tank. They are sold at most pet stores and can really make your tank look better.

  2. boil the rocks in very hot water then let them cool before putting them in.if you get a log to put in make sure it is smooth so you can wipe it down with viniger water.after you wipe it with viniger water make sure you scrub it very good to get the viniger off.viniger is natural so a little tiny bit wont kill them.althogh for a leopard gecko you dont need sticks cuz they live in the desert.

  3. for the rocks you have to boil them...

    and for the sticks you should only get those from a petstore because those are steralized. You dont really need sticks for a gecko though, you need rocks for hiding places... You can also use a broken peice of a clay pot and prop it up on something to have a little hiding spot for it.

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