
I have a tattoo on my wrist and i think it has a pimple what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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i never get pimples no on my face or anything but to me its like a pimple i guess I have had my tattoo since June it is now august... what is it??? do i just leave it alone??

ps. its a habiscus all color no black.... already fading & i do use sunscreen on it is this normal???




  1. Wrists are hard to keep the ink looking fresh. Keep it out of the sun (even if you're wearing sunscreen, it's not enough) for at least the first 6 months.

    As for the pimple, just leave it alone. Don't pick at it or anything. I've had pimples on my tats before they go away and don't leave a mark. It may be caused by the lotion you're using (or if you're using too much) it can sometimes clog pores and cause pimples.

  2. Certainly dont pop it, leave it alone and it will go away on its own.

    Given that it has been a couple of months since you had it done I find it hard to believe it is an infection, however if it hasnt decreased in size in about a week go and have a chat to your artist. They are the professional and know about things like that.

    As for fading, definitely use sunscreen. Exposure to sun will cause any tattoo to fade. I also got a black tattoo in june and although mine never sees the sun, it too has faded considerably compared to when it was a week old. Black ones are more prone to look patchy as well, your artist shouldnt have a problem with a little touch up if you need it.

  3. ew go to the doctor yuck im sorry but thats weird

  4. Just leave it alone. If it gets worse see a doctor. But the pimple is not your worst problem. Why would you get a tattoo of a flower that you don't even know how to spell the name of? WHY? How could it possibly be meaningful to you if you don't even know what it is?  

  5. It is one of 3 things.

    1. Pimple. Don't worry this happens to everyone on every part of their body at some point. (A clogged pore equals a pimple so literally every part of your body can get one).

    2. Ingrown hair. Same as a pimple but clogged with a hair instead of dirt.

    3. This is the scary one. Infection/abscess. If it has a head on it though it most likely isn't this one. Unless it's HUGE/deep in the skin.

    Regardless, if you are worried, you should either call the studio/person who did the tattoo and tell them what's going on and ask for advice or go see a doctor.

  6. alright hun, im a tattoo artist, so is my mum so we can give ya some hints :)

    sometimes ingrown hairs can form when a tattoo is done, due to the shaving of the area before hand.. in time this will go away.. but you should probs see your artist about it..

    if its a pimple, dont pick it what ever you do. this will take the ink colour out of your skin, leaving a blotch there. just leave it alone and it will go..

    fading is normal, sometimes the ink dosnt take very well into some people and a touch up is needed. the wrist is an area exposed to sun light, thus fading will happen. even when you use sunscreen your tatt will still fade..

    all in all check with your artist about the lump, you should be fine, but just keep doing what your doing. :)

  7. pop the sucka lol and ewww

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