
I have a teacher issue, i need some advice... please help me.?

by  |  earlier

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I am in grade 9, and i go to an academically high standard high school. I get picked on in English by my teacher, it's not that she is a bad teacher it's the fact that she somehow manages to find a reason to scream at me nearly every lesson. I do not draw attention to myself and i do not talk in class, maybe the occasional whispers here and there. Today i was accused by her of plagiarism in my English creative short story assignment. She told me that I had plagiarized and i told her simply that i didn't ... and she told me she didn't believe me. She said that it was to sophisticated for my standard and that even if she had plagiarized she would have been smart enough to change it. Without thinking i used my brother as an excuse. I told her that he had helped me with my assignment. She told me that it seemed like he had done the entire assignment for me and told me not to get help with my other assignments again. What do i do? and plz dont tell me to change classes coz thats not posible




  1. It sounds to me like you should be making a formal complaint with either an assistant principal or the principal themselves. If what you say is true, a teacher should not be berating students in class. Ask some of your classmates if they feel the same way because an administrator might not take one person's word seriously.

    Don't forget to get your parents involved in all of this. Administration will really do their best to get the situation resolved as quickly as possible in order to bring back order to the school and the students.

  2. i think first you shoul tell you rparents and the teacher that you think she is singleing you out and if it still presists tell your parents. don't be afraid to tell your parents

  3. find the biggest, ghetto lady in the street, pay her $20 and take her to class saying shes your mom or guardian  and talk to your teacher about her giving you a hard time.

  4. Tell your parents and file a complaint and I'm sorry but try to switch.

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