
I have a teacher that acts like professor snape.?

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I have been dealing with the same teacher sence 7th grade and I am going into 11th grade and the teacher still acts the same. (still hates me) what should I do?




  1. Talk to the teacher to see if you can find a way to resolve the issues between the both of you. Have your guidance counselor present as a mediator.

  2. Sometimes teachers overcompensate for actually liking a student by behaving as if they don't like you.  Sometimes they realize your potential and feel like they need to push in order to get you to reach it and achieve higher.  Sometimes they just aren't nice people(but usually it is not the case)  

    You have two more years of school. I would recommend applying yourself(or continuing to).  Don't be concerned about how this particular teacher feels.  Do your best.  Work hard. Reach your goals.  Do everything you can to be the best possible you.  Everything else will fall into place.  

    Keep in've made it this far and there are only 2 more school years....the teacher can't follow you to college or

  3. just do great and forget about the teacher. he doesnt long as your work is good and you know it lol

  4. Maybe he loved your mother..

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