
I have a tecumesh engine and i need help with the carb. the engine keeps stalling.

by  |  earlier

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please help me beforte i shoot it.




  1. need more info on your engine? is it carb or timing. The timing sytem in newer motors is by magnetic induction of the rotating flywheel when the magnets get weak the signal to the coil fails.

    If it's carb you have a jet that is faulty and needs to be replaced or cleaned. Your float maybe sticking due to varnish build-up in the carb and needs to be cleaned out. Take your carb apart on a flat surface and if possible find a schematic on the internet of the model before you take it apart. If not you need to remember where everything goes back. Some carbs have small springs and ball valves so be carefull

  2. I need to know what the problem really is.  The easliest thing to do is rebuild the carb, replace the fuel filter and spark plug.  If you need more help email me please.

  3. first thing id do is new plug new air and fuel  filters... drain the old gas put in new

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