
I have a tennis problem!?

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OK, so I am just barely half way thru my first week of boys JV tennis practice and I've learned a lot. I am a pretty good player probably around 3 or 4 singles/doubles. They haven't told us what are postion is and they probably wont till maybe the end of the week. Theres about 20-25 JV players on the team and are practices goes from 9:00-11:00 in the morning then week come back till 1:00-3:00. The practices are really a workout and you learn a bunch of stuff every day. The thing I'am stressed out about is that next week I am going to be gone for the entire week on vacation to The Grand Canyon so I can't skip it and when I get back I would've missed the first game and a lot of practices. There are 12 scoring postions and I don't no if I'am going to get one of those spots. What do you think about the whole situation?




  1. I would occasionally miss a practice one a week for work and my coach was SO mad about it.  He told me that I should quit work and devote my time to tennis.  It all depends on your coach, but they knocked me down to the end of the roster and wouldn't move me up because of it.  It all depends on if he's a jerk or not.

  2. tell your coach so you dont stand him up on a game. if he said like do you care about tennis or w/e tell him you will try harder and make it up to him. i mean it depends if your coach is hard and strict with the game

  3. I can tell you from experience that the more work you put in, the better the chances you'll have of making the team.

    My freshman year of college, I went through grueling practices (before the school-year started, they were in the morning AND afternoon), and like you, I really wondered what my chances were of making the tennis team. But I got to practice every day and grinded. It hurt and I was sore and tired and still unsure of my having a spot. A week later, I (barely) made Varsity.

    The 4 other people i was competing against actually either arrived late or missed a practice or two. Turns out, my coach liked my hustle, and the fact that i put everything in and committed. I learned a lot from those practices and the coaches saw potential and room for improvement. Moral of the story: hard work and commitment got me to Captain of my NCAA team for my Junior & Senior years.

    Spending time with family and friends IS important; so essentially, it comes down to you, and whether you will be able to enjoy your time at the Grand Canyon or whether you'll be thinking about/wishing you stayed to hit with the team.  

  4. I play tennis and I am going to miss a week of practices for vacation too. I was honest with my coach and told him ahead of time. He was perfectly fine with the situation and told me to enjoy my trip. Tell your coach that are interesting in playing. Hopefully he understands the situation and allows you to return to team practices once you return. Good luck and I hope everything works out for you.

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