
I have a tense pain in my chest

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It won't go away...I'm not even worried about anything in particular but I can't relax...any ideas what I can do?




  1. Well since you havent stated any other ailments that you may have it could be stress, gasteritis, hypertension and many other number of things. So your best bet could be to go to a dr. and if you cant get in today go to your urgent care if possible. Dont go to the ER because for one they will charge you major money for tests that you probably dont need.  Like CT scans and what not.  

  2. dont go to the doctor, i had them same thing happen to me rest in a bed drink anything thats warm and dont eat big meals. i promise it will at lease help

  3. Something like that, I wouldn't mess around with.  Get yourself to the emergency, just in case.  It's better to be safe than sorry, and any chest pain should be looked at.  Good luck!

    EDIT:  If our answers aren't "imaginative" for you, then you know what you can do.  You expect complete strangers to answer your question about chest pain, we don't even know you, so of course our first thought would be to get to a doctor as we are not frickin doctors ourselves, and chest pain could mean ANYTHING!  And don't think, buddy, that being 20 doesn't mean you can't have a heart attack - a friend of ours lost their son at 17 from a bloody heart attack.  So sit there with your "anxiety" pain or whatever, and stop berating people for trying to help you!

  4. it could be intense gas too, i have had pain in my chest already, and after drinking hot fluids it went away, so maybe it could be gas, also does it hurt when u breathe in or out, that will help in diagnosing it if it does, either way try the hot fluids, and try to rest and see if that works.,Hope that helps.GL hun!

  5. If you have chest pain you should go to the ER in case you're having a heart attack. It could be pleurisy (an infection), or you could be having anxiety, in which case they can refer you to someone who could help you deal with your issues. Don't sit on the computer asking random strangers to diagnose you when chest pain is potentially life threatening.  

  6. since when did this started?

    let youself be diagnosed by the doctor, chest pain could be a symptom of something that needs immediate medical attention.

    you can read along this link:

  7. Go to a doctor and find out what's going on.  

  8. i had early chest pains  . Mr know it all  didnt listen  now retired early  you  guessed    HEART problems

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