
I have a texas intruments Ti-84 calculator. How do i input fractions?

by  |  earlier

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I feel so dumb.. please help me




  1. use the division symbol.

    So for 3/5 just type in 3 [divided by button] 5

    If at any time the calculator gives you a decimal and you want it to convert to a fraction (the default is to give all numbers as decimals)

    Just have you number in the calculator, goto

    [MATH] you will see

    [1] >FRAC

    Just use this. It will take your answer and change it into a reduced fraction.

    Say you want to reduce 8/10 to get 4/5.. just type in

    [8] [divided by] [10] [>FRAC] [ENTER]

  2. just use an open parenthesis and then type the fraction using a division symbol and then close parenthesis

  3. good thing that guy told me how to convert a decimal into a simplified fraction.. the only other way i knew of doing it was testing a bunch of numbers to see if it can simplify it and the handbook contents don't contain "fractions" or anything like that.. if you want to find the decimal of a fraction just divide first number/second number, if you want to divide a fraction by a fraction do (firstnumber/secondnumber)/(firstnumber/...

  4. (A/B)

    where A = 1st number

    B =2nd number

  5. Very simple.


    Use the regular division symbol.


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