
I have a theory of humans and was wondering what you think of it?

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One of many problems with humans is because we always take things to the very extent until we get in trouble. Such as, Staying out after curfew. Like once my curfew was 11:45 pm and it was going on 12:15 am and I kept tellng my mom "just five more minutes. it was 1:30 when I got home and got grounded. So basically, I was abusing my power of "just five more minutes.

Please giv me feedback on my theroy.




  1. Everyone must go beyond their limit, to truly establish exactly what their limit is...

  2. What you speak of is us as humans not being able to control our carnal state of being. Only Christ giving you the Holy Spirit can empower you to do what you normally can't.

    I agree partially with the other person who answered this by saying yes you are painting us all with a broad brush but the essence of your question/statement/theory is correct. And only with God can anyone beat this carnal state of thinking. Confess this out loud and believe it in your heart, and God will empower you to become a mighty person for Him. You will conquer anything no matter the size for His Glory, and by His Spirit.

  3. Yessir, kiddo, human beings like to push boundaries, because they exist.

    Mount Everest, Sir Richard Brampton's space tourism endeavor (or space exploration, at all), turning lead into gold, and, yep, pushing your curfew.

    The problems begin when the risks outweigh the benefits... such as five more minutes of hanging out vs getting your @$$ grounded for two weeks.

    Way to extrapolate concepts.  From one thing, know ten thousand things.

  4. umhh...ok.

    I suppose that IS a problem with human beings.

  5. No. I don't think this applies to everyone. I don't think this applies to even a majority of people. I do think this applies to teenagers and others who may be immature or possess qualities that prevent a sense of self control, but what this has to do with anthropology, I have no idea.

  6. Imagine your excitement when you find out what a theory actually is!

  7. I think there are also people who have strict guidelines by which they live by - and they would not dare cross the trouble line.

    Take the curfew example you gave .. there are lots of people who know their curfew is 11:45 ... so they calculate how long it takes to get home .. and they start making prepartaton a couple of hours before 11:45  - so they can be home on time .. and not go past the golden hour.

    Some people just don't push buttons to the limit .. or past the limit.

  8. Nice theory but I don't think it applies to everyone. Like that trait definitely exists but it sounds like you're applying it to everyone. I totally have that trait too but I know loads of people who aren't like that. Like I knew this one girl in high school who just COULD NOT disappoint her parents. Like ever. If they said no or whatever it's she'd try one last time and that was it. She wouldn't wait for her parents to explode before getting the picture. This trait doesn't apply to people who are like Monica either (Monica from Friends, who loves to please everybody) because they don't like getting negative remarks. I do think though that as humans we always TRY to push it. Like some people pull back right when they see someone who's about to explode, or like you and me go full force and let them explode at you. :)

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