
I have a tiny lump with a brown spot, and a red patch with small white dots on base of p***s?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a little worried about it, does anyone know what it could mean? I am only 13 and I haven'tt had s*x yet. Basically, it's like i said in the title. Small lump, with a brown spot at the base. Underneath is a large red patch with some indents, and some small white lumps. Also the entire bottom area of the top part of the p***s (I can't think of the right name, so I will risk offended a couple people and call it the mushroom) is all red. It feels like a rash or something, does anyone have any ideas to what it could be? I would just go to a doctor, but I'd have trouble explaining that I needed to get a physical for a possible rash on my p***s. Any help is appreciated




  1. Go to a doctor and tell your parents but i don't think its too serious.

  2. You have Herpes and you are in outbreak mode. Get to a doctor so you can get the proper treatment.  

  3. that don't sound right, if i were you i'd go to the doctor for sure and tell your parents, maybe your dad even had the same problem, maybe you have not been washing your p***s? have you been placing chemicals on your p***s? lol.

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