
I have a toddler who is nearly 3 and is still not talking?

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Help i don't know what to do Ive a boy who will be 3 in dec 3rd and he is still not talking, he understands everything thou like close door,open door,take your clothes off,brush your teeth, he has a few words but he never finishes off his sentences eg.. book is bu,cat is kit-tee, look is loo,and he never stops with the word mama he says it every-time he talks and chants it, my friends baby's what are younger are even talking and i feel like I'm doing something wrong in helping him talk, Can any one help?????




  1. My niece didn't talk until she was almost 4 but when she did start to talk she talked in complete sentences and sounded like a adult. The doctors said that instead of talking she was listening and soaking up everything people were saying.  Kids do things at there own pace.  Also it never hurts to have his hearing checked. If he is having trouble hearing then that would explain his speech.  

  2. my aunt's son was 5 and wasn't talkin she took him to all type of speech class and he seen the best of best doctors and they all told her he'll talk when he's ready and he did firdt he started off stuttering and now at 9 he talks just fine so i dont know if this is the same situation but i guess you need to take him to the doctor and they'll tell you sorry but to make you feel better there is nothing you are doing wrong it happens

  3. Every child develops differently- try not to compare him to your friends children even tho i know this is hard. If you are concerned go to see your GP or health visitor and they can refer you to a community speech therapist.

    Also try to spend time reading to him, and holding the book by your mouth so he can see you pronounce words properly!

    Good Luck!

  4. Do you have another older child, who is doing the talking for him? If so, its normal. The younger child relies on the older one to vocalise. If not, it may be worth having a word with your health visitor and see if he/she has any ideas, if you are in the UK. It may just be that you can understand what he wants and he doesn't have to try to talk. Why not try some reading exercises or get him to say the full words before you give him what he wants.  

  5. Talk with your pediatrician and get a referral to a speech pathologist.

  6. maby they could be have an autistic condition, other symptoms are trouble making eye contact and excelling in a certain area of interest, also if they have trouble talking to peers and social interaction, however they probably are just taking longer to devolope, you never know the might grow up to be like einstein, and remember the sooner they talk the sooner they can talk back

  7. This can be common, my friends little boy couldn't string a sentence together till he was 3.

    He's just developing at his own speed, so make sure you praise him all the time for what he can say and this may encourage further development.

    Picture books and cards are a good and fun way of  learning and when he starts nursery he'll soon be on his way

    Good luck

  8. My best friends little boy is like this too.  They just had him tested to make sure their were no problems.  He was fine and the doctors said he was just delayed and would be a really late talker.  I would suggest having him tested just to make sure everythings ok and nothing is preventing his speech development.  His Mom is also now working with him more.  She does a mini-lesson with him for 30minutes everyday using flashcards, and word games.  It has helped him a lot.  

  9. They should be talking a lot at that age. I would talk to your child's Pediatrician. The sooner the better.

  10. My brother did that because I always talked for him, but my friends little girl had this same problem and she was very delayed on her walking and the doctor told her she needed tubes in her ears. As soon as she did it was like she snapped out of it and was normal. Maybe just consult your doctor.

  11. Take him to your Health Visitor and she will refer you to a speech and languge therapist.

  12. Have you spoken to ur health visitor??  It wont be anything u are doing wrong, he prob just still wants to play baby to you.  Nursery made a huge difference to my son, he came along in leaps & bounds with speech etc.  Your health visitor may recommend a speech therapist. xx

  13. Albert Einstein (E=Mc2) did not talk until he was three.

  14. It is probably something very simple.  Take him to your GP and ask to have his mouth checked out it could be something to do the the strings in his throat. I am only saying this because my brother had a problem talking and that is what is turned out to be.

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