
I have a tongue tied child? Need to know what is involved in procedure to rectify it,should I/ shouldn't I ?

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I have a tongue tied child? Need to know what is involved in procedure to rectify it,should I/ shouldn't I ?




  1. By tongue tied, I'm assuming you mean that the child has long tounge web (that thing underneath the tongue), so therefore it wont allow him/her to stick his/her tounge out?  Well, I think it depends on the severity of the situation.  If he can't talk and annunciate his words properly, or if it hurts him or is painful for him, you should definitely get it fixed.  If not, maybe wait and let him decide if he cares about it or not?  I would probably just do it though.  Makes life easier.  The procedure isn't supposed to be too major.  They just put a local anesthetic (sorry about my spelling) and either burn it away with a laser or clip it with surgical tools.  He'll be aware of it happening, and it may be slightly uncomfortable because of the noises and sight of it, but I think the pain will come after the operation.  I don't think it's that expensive.  He/she might be hurting for a few days, but it'll be over and he/she will be totally normal!  If he's old enough, ask him how he feels about it.  =)  Good luck!

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