
I have a tough decision to make... can you help?

by Guest62234  |  earlier

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About a month ago, I promised my best friend that I would go to a concert with her on Saturday because her favorite DJ will be performing. However, next week all of my friends and I are going away to college as freshman, and I just found out last week that my other best friend is having a going away party on the same night as the concert. I would like to see all of my friends before they leave, but now I feel like it's too last minute to ditch my friend and not go to the concert. I know how excited my friend is about going and I just really don't know what to do...

What do you guys think? Please help me weigh the pros and cons so that I can make a good decision.





  1. as much as the party sounds like much more fun....i think ditching out on your friend would have much worse consequences. she would most definatly get a little upset. And the last thing u want is a gulity concence.

    that sucks they have to be on the same night? is there any way u can make it back for the end of the party? Still i would just go to the concert. U will be able to see your friends again - you'd hate to lose your bff

    hope it all works out

  2. Well, you promised to go to the concert first right? I think you should still go to the concert and liek the day before the the party go shopping with your other best friend or whereever. Spened the day with her to repay her for not going to the win stituation :D

  3. Which one is more important to you? I say go to the concert, and see your friend earlier and tell her bye and sorry u cant make it tonight. she'll understand

  4. First decide where you wanna go then kill the other 1

  5. Tell your friends goodbye! You might not get to see them for a long time. Tell your friend that, she will understand.

  6. The concert because that came first.

  7. Is there anyway that you could go to some of the concert with your friend, and then see your friends. I think it would be nice if you split it up. I think it would be cruel to leave ur friend in the dust, and go with ur other friends. You also promised, soo, you should keep ur promise but just stay for awhile. Explain to her nicely that you have to leave early, and that you wanted to come to some of the concert with her because you promised and you keep ur promises, and you want to be a great friend, and not let her down. GOOD LUCK!  

  8. You made the commitment with your other friend first.. so dont let her down you may lose a good friend. see your other friends during the day go out for lunch or something let them know you cant make it and why. This way it covers all your bases.

    I can tell you if you ditch your friend you'll feel guilty all night and wont enjoy the party anyway.  

  9. say goodbye to your college bound friend(s) early and go to the concert. That would just suck to get dumped for a concert. I know its a hard decision but the concert really is the right thing to do

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