
I have a trade show to work wearing a white oxford shirt and Khakis. I'm told black shoes are aren't ok. True?

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I'd like to wear a black belt and black Doc Martens for comfort and avoid getting some new brown shoes.




  1. If you are going to wear khakis Then you would have to wear some light shoes with it Like white shoes or cream or gray but sometimes you can wear black

    you know what they say black and white matches with everything.

  2. Yaah....

    Black lather shoes n belt r very gud dude..

  3. put a black belt on and your good!

  4. If this is a "One Time" Thing, where know that you are only going to work this trade show this time, then fine, don't buy new shoes.

    BUT, if this is something that you will be doing several times, then NO, the Black Shoes are not okay.

    This is trade show, and the fact that you have to wear a specific outfit means that they want you too look a certain way and present a certain image ( you are representing who evers business).

    I am more concerned with the fact that you are wearing Doc Martens than the actually color. The outfit you are wearing can be termed Business Casual and Doc Martens are too casual for that.

    I understand that you are going to be on your feet most of the day so comfort is key.....

    So if this is an ongoing thing, than get a brown belt and brown shoes. If you are on a budget, just go to Payless and get some brown shoes in the mens department ( No one is going to know were you got them from and you will only be wearing them for these types of events, so they will last ) and get a brown belt from Walmart ( can get shoes there too), it will cost you about $30 for both items ( probably even less than that)!

  5. wear what YOU like

  6. A black belt and Doc Martens will look great. They are perfectly acceptable for wearing with khakis. In fact they will look very nice.  :)

  7. Who told you that? its a lie. Firstly, wear what you feel comfortabe wearing. Secondly, neutrals can always go with other neutrals (black, tan, white, gray, ect). No matter what neutral color, you can pair them together.

  8. In this case, it is not about the color of your shoes but their 'style'.

    Doc Martens for example will not be OK;

  9. i have wore black with khakis.... it is ok...

  10. I've been told black shoes shouldn't be worn with khakis but if you're wearing a black belt too, I don't see the harm. Comfort is important and if you don't feel the need to go out and buy brown shoes, then wear the black. You should be fine.

  11. Unless you were told not to wear black it will look fine.  

  12. Doc Marten boots?  You'd be best with shoes.

    If the khakis are very light in color (cream etc.), you should not wear black shoes, however if they are darker in tone (gray or darker), black shoes are fine.

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