
I have a tv question.

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Alright now my knowledge for televisions truly sucks so I'm hoping one of you guys can help me out. I have a flat screen tube television. To my knowledge the tv does not support HD capabilities but it has a 16:9 mode. Now, I have a ps3 and I'm wondering if any component cables can support it since there are coloured plugs in the back of my tv such as green and blue. Does that mean my tv can have component cables even though its not in HD? Thanks!




  1. YES!!

    Your TV is ready to play the PS3 although the picture will be in standard definition (480p) and NOT HD.  The green and blue, and also red  make up the (R G B) which are component inputs. The PS3 has component outputs.

    R(Red) B(Blue) G(Green) are video.There should also be an additional audio (Red and White) inputs for stereo audio.

    Any RGB (Component) cable will work

    Just hook up the cables set the TV to the RGB input and play away.

    You can even use the 16x9 mode the picture will look very good but not quite HD standard.  

  2. There's always some kind of cheap converter to buy if it doesn't, I wouldn't let this stop you, pick up the PS3 and if it can't hook up then look for a cable that will do it over at radioshack.

  3. don't know ... yet ... i highly recommend if you have a ps3 to do anything you can to get a HD tv (it's much, much, much better)

  4. Yes. My old TV wasn't HD, but it had component inputs. Luckily the Xbox 360 comes with component cables out of the box, and when I used them, the picture was fantastic! With thePS3 you're gonna have to buy the component cables seperately. So, enjoy!
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