
I have a twelve week old Maltese ?

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I have a 12 week old Maltese puppy that keeps pooping and peeing in places other then her wee wee pad! If she is gated in the kitchen with the pad she still makes mistakes! Sometimes she is great, but otehr times not so great. I have been consistant for 3 weeks in trying to train her and she still makes mistakes! I do not want her to live in the kitchen forever, and I can not have a pet that won't house train....HELP!!!!!! what do I do?? I have never had this much trouble house breaking a dog...but I have never wee pad trained one either...I do not live in a place where I can run outside easily which is why I opted for the pads...advice please... thanks!

AND do not answer if you are just going to say "take her outside"! It is not an option none of that please




  1. Try laying the wee pads or newspaper throught the kitchen if you are willing or maybe in the bathroom  then she will ahve no choice but to go on what you want her to. after a couple days try decrease the amount of space covered by newspaper or the wee pads wait a few more days and repeat, etc. if she makes a mistake go back and lay a bit more paper down and the progress more slowly.

    If you do not want to have newspaper all over your kitchen then keep your puppy in a kennel and only let her out when you can totally supervise her or have her tied around your waist so she can't make a mistake without you seeing her. Right when you take her out of the kennel take her to her pee place.  if she does start to pee in the wong spot try and interrupt her by clapping your hands loudly or by saying NO, then quickly pick her up and take her to the spot where you want her to pee.

    Also try searching google for puppy potty training tips

    If nothing works try talking to a professional trainer as they sometimes have advice on potty training.

  2. You need to keep an eye on her just like you would if you were training her to go outside.  When you see her searching (usually sniffing in circles) for a place to potty place her on the pad.  She will probably try to get off of the pad but have patience and keep returning her to it until she goes.  If she does give her lots of praise to let her know that is what you want.

    You can also try this...use the pad to clean up her mess after she goes on the floor and leave the dirty pad on the floor.  Most dogs return to the same spot they have used before and if the smell is there that should give her a little clue.

    The same rules apply for pee pad training as taking them patient, consistent and keep a watchful eye on them.  Using a que word (e.g. go potty, go pee, etc.) when she is on the pad and doing what you want may also help.  Don't forget to praise her when she gets it right.

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