
I have a varsity tryout set tomorrow... 10x100yd on 1:40...?

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Does anyone have any tips for me im really nervous a couple of weeks i tried out and i only made three... i need to atleast make 6 for him to consider. there will be other people in the lane with me. Any tips what to eat tomorrow? Tips during it? Warming up?




  1. so i take it you live in the usa...anyways 10 x 100 on 1:40 is not hard i can do that in meters(i live in canada). i suggest that when you should start out at a moderate pace and try to keep it up for the entire set. don't eat too heavy.    i suggest doing some pace work during warm up like 50's on 60 try going under 40 each time. maybe do one or to 100's on 140 as well.

  2. okay even though 10x100 on a 1:40 seem like a lot and seem like a fast time base its all in your head because that is kinda a slow time base my advice to you is to eat a good breakfast nothing spicy eat eggs toast and orange juice make sure you streatch before oh and drink WATER!! but other than that good luck!!



    If you go too fast on the first one, you will tire out very quickly.  Try to make them with about 10-15 seconds rest consistantly.

  4. You need to think long in your stroke. Even though this is a relatively quick base, the set of ten makes this a distance pace. Do not try to speed up to increase the amount of rest you get after each 100. Instead, pace yourself so that you have 5-10 seconds left. Take your air, breathe every three strokes and rotate your body. Your kick needs to be steady, but not so fast as to burn up your energy. Your flipturns need to be impeccable. Get plenty of distance off each wall. Remember, streamline is the fastest position in swimming. Think about high-elbow recovery and efficiency: your stroke needs to start at the top of your reach and end and the bottom of your suit. Don't burn too much energy with your warm-up, but don't skip it either. Try to consider this swim a build: conserve energy until lap 7. Then it's burn time.  

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