
I have a veiled chameleon. He appears to be healthy except that his veil is leaning to the side. Is he ok?

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I supplement his diet twice a week with calcium and a multivitamin supplement. I don't do the D3 with the calcium because I occasionally put him out in the sunshine. His back and joints seem othewise fine. Is a veil that leans to the left (when looking at him straight on from the front) a sign of beginning MDB? Or just a personal peculiarity?




  1. It can be an indication of a deficiency. The natural sunshine is great but only "occasionally" exposing him may not be sufficient for him to synthesize enough D3 on his own. They are native to the middle east where the intensity of the UV is high. You are likely not able to duplicate that level or the time he would normally spend in the sun. I would really suggest that you use a calcium with D3 at least once a week as insurance.

  2. mine leans when basking.


    check out this website.

    i'd say it's just a personal peculiarty, but if you are really worried get him checked out by a reptile specialist :)

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