
I have a very con traversal question. What do you think?

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Do you think that it is possible to spoil a baby at a young age? My daughter is 5 months old and I can not put her down or walk out of the room without her crying. It is impossible for me to get anything else done and I am going nuts. What do you think??




  1. I think you should get a sling or carrier and carry your baby around with you because they're only this young once.  Once she's mobile and able to get around on her own, she won't want to snuggle with mommy anymore.  TRUST ME!  I wish my 2 year old would slow down a bit and snuggle with me more!

  2. suppposedly it is not possible to spoil an infant because you are just respponding to her needs however i believe you are causing her to be extra needy!  dont feel bad lots of us do it!  When my daughter was that age the baby swing was a life saver i would put her in it and let her whine it out for a few mins if need be. If she ever got to a full on cry i would take her out and comfort her tho

  3. No spoiling. Baby mammals instinctively fear abandonment and death when separated from their parents. Why do you need to put her down? Buy a good carrier. I loved my Moby Wrap, and now I adore my Beco. I heard that spoiling business a lot when my baby was a newborn. But now she is 15 months and EVERY time we go out people always comment on how amazingly calm and cheerful my toddler is. That's because she is incredibly secure. She knows all her needs will be met.

    That said, for moments when I HAD to eat without a baby on me, etc, the Gymini and a swing were a godsend.  

  4. at this agee ihhts normall for a chilld to be attachedd. so dont worry but try having play dates with other kids so she cann start playing with other children because then she prob. wont mindd. hope this helpedd.

  5. Nope..not possible to spoil, it an American cultural myth!  

    The more secure babies are that their needs will be met, the more cheerful they will grow.

    I am lucky to have been able to travel to a lot of places and its AMAZING how in Europe the children are soooooo well behaved.  You can be at a restaurant at 10 pm and not even notice there is are several 4 year old at near by tables, just sitting and eating. (they keep later hours then we do LOL)

    Coincidentally, I've also noticed that mothers are always holding their babies/toddlers...even 2 year olds are constantly within feet of their moms, if not on their hips, or in a sling. (I know this isn't always practical here.)

    Also, coincidentally the parents never yell at the children publically.  I'm a very observant person by nature and noticed that when a child acts up the mother just whispers, "no no" it seems the more softly you speak, the more the child is struggling to listen rather then be crazy.

    Just my opinion and observations.  

  6. It's not possible to spoil a baby.  She has emotional needs that need to be met.  Back in the olden days, the saying was, "If they are clothed, fed and dry, let 'em cry!"  But what about their EMOTIONAL NEEDS?  We all wanna be loved and comforted.  

    My 11-week old is attached to my arms as get frustrated, but I try to get things done when she is napping.  I will put her in her bouncy seat when I have to get things done, but if/when she starts to make a fuss, I'll pick her up again.  It's inconvenient, but I keep reminding myself that she'll only be a baby for a little while longer.  I want to cherish every minute with her.

    EDIT:  I've also learned to do things with one hand!

  7. You can't spoil 'em.  It's just not possible.  In order to be spoiled, the baby would have to be conciously manipulating situations to get his or her own way.  And that is just not possible b/c babies are not manipulators...they're just needy little buggers!  :)  lol.  They cry when they need something and don't cry when they don't.  Period.  (ok, unless they're colicky...then they just cry all the time b/c of digestive issues)  

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