
I have a very strong willed 8 year old who is having trouble at school because she will not be quiet and?

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although will do quite well with the attendance of an adult beside her she does not work well on her own. Due to this she become disruptive and bossy at school. I have spoken with school, had her councelled and had all things checked eyes, hearing etc. Keeping in mind she is an only child and has a lot of adult attention at home, I wonder what i can do for her concerning her schooling....All we do these days is argue about her and her ways. I NEED ADVICE HOW TO HANDLE THIS.




  1. I have 4 children that sounds just like your child and they are all add-adhd and odd. The thing's that you say she is doing is signs of that and she can not at all control this. getting on to the child or spanken or anything is not going to help til you get the child on some meds and believe me when you do that child will be the best student in the whole class and a straight a's student. ask the teacher to type you up a statement of the behavioral and other thing's like can she sit down more than 5 seconds, does she wiggle in her chair alot. does she blurt out answers,does she talk alot, does she not listen at all, can she follow directions easily or not. thing's like that and take that to your doctor and he will help her, if he doesn't,don't give up, take her to someone else and they will help her. it will let alot of stress off of you on the end. kids that are like this can not help what they do or say, the one part of their brain is telling them to do it and the other part saids no but the one part that is telling them to do it,is over working the other side and the only way to stop this and them be suffessful in school and life is to take them to the doctor and get the help. look up on google add and adhd in children. My oldest is 11 years old and she's been on meds but before she was the same way and my 8 year old boy is on them to,he was very destructive in class,screaming and jumping around and very bossy and would not mind any of the teachers and my 5 year old little girl was so bossy at school, she would not do her worked and she made the teachers think she did not know anything and my 4 year old is very destructive and in dangerous ways to and talks alot and screams and climbs and jumps, but know they are all on meds and I see my real sweet children everyday and they are able to seat at school and they are all straight a students know. believe me I am experienced in this for 10 years know and you will be doing a great big thing for your child.

  2. A lot of kids are only children and they still find ways to behave. I would talk with the teacher and come up with a plan. Most teachers are afraid to punish kids because they don't want an angry parent on there hands. If you talk with the teacher and let her know that you want her to enforce time out every time she miss behaves this may help. Time out is great because it makes her stop talking for 5 mins, plus it takes her away from the group *which he doesn't want*. Or if time out won't work in that class room setting have a silent desk. When some one talks out of turn or disrupts the class, they have to sit at a desk next to the teacher and away from the rest of the class for the rest of the day. The next day she can go back to her desk. If she mis behaves again she has to sit next to the teacher again.  This way they can only talk to the teacher. There is not really a lot you can do at home. I would make home work time quiet time. She has to sit quietly and work on her home work by her self. She is old enough to start learning how to do her home work alone, and check her own answers. This will be very important later in her school life. Once you talk to the teacher and come up with a plan check in every once in a while and see how its going.

  3. Take her out of school. It's obviously not working for her at her developmental stage.

  4. Charles Stanley has a book out "The Strong Willed Child". It is a must.  You have to break their will but not their spirit. It will help.

  5. Spank her butt till she stops.

  6. Firstly, you need to continue to work closely with the school, after all that appears to be where the problem is. A teacher aide with her in class or withdrawal to a quiet room may help.At home a reward system could be put in place so that for every half day in class without being disruptive earns a star, a trouble free week earns her a reward such as an outing, friends to sleep over etc.

    Do make sure that the work in her classroom is neither too hard or too easy for her as a bored child is often disruptive.

  7. Try taking away TV time, Computer time (Unless for school work), phone, etc. Tell her when she can start behaving in school she can earn back her privileges.

  8. make a plan with the teacher. Set up a communication book with her. When she is nauthy take things away that she loves, when good she can chose one back

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