
I have a very very serious question.. especially to all those who experience ANXIETY, DEPRESSION.....?

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those who said they don't know who they can you say that?

what can you see/feel that brought you to those feelings?

to those who are depressed.. what do you feel? what's going on your mind?

to those who always act normal but deep inside depressed and anxious.. how do you act in front of people? what do you show them? do you act childish? do you act stupid? or you just totally isolate yourself and be depressed?

to those who keep themselves they're problem what's going on your life right now?

to those who are very self conscious in a crowd.. how's your attitude??

thanks for reading:)




  1. im probably one of the most self conscious people in the world.  when im in a crowd i usually feel like everyone is stairing at me and im nervous.

    i act differently in front of people depending on who it is.  if i no the person well ill just be myself. if i no the person but not very well ill talk to them a lot if they start talking to me first.  if i no the person im very very quiet and dont talk to them unless they talk to me first, and even then i dont say much because im nervous about what theyll think.

    around some of my friends i act stupid and childish, and generally when im in a class room at school i do isolate my self and think everyone is judging me.

  2. whats the point of this question?

  3. mail m back. if i tell you what i wnet through it should give you hope

  4. Well.. i isolate myself alot, i dont go out much..even though im 15..  ill stay home on the weekends and feel sad and alone, and even though my friends say im pretty i truly dont believe it (im soo fat and ugly omg)  so any guy that asks me out i turn down because i dont feel i am good enough for him.. but i will beat myself up for it. They will either become mad or sad because i turn them down and i try to explain its not them, its me...i swear i have problems! And everyday waking up and going to school is so hard for me, and i do horrible in school because i will just leave because i cant take it........... i dont know what to do anymore because i f***ing hate myself so much, i would honestly rather be an 80yr old woman. my problems in life..? my family.. theyre crazy..they hit me all the time and the cops are constantly at my house, ill prob be dead by 20 cuz i dont take care of my diabetes and ill let guys use me like i am a public toilet....i feel so selfish and i wish that some young child dying of aids in another country could have my life, because i really dont deserve it..

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