
I have a warrant for unpaid fines from a DUI last year. Will it go away if I pay the fines?

by  |  earlier

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Last November was when I had court, and I was supposed to pay 1600 dollars beginning a few months ago. I just got a job and havent started the payments yet. I found out I have a warrant - if I'm able to pay the 1600 dollars will the warrant go away or will I still have to appear in court/go to jail?




  1. No its not going to go away you'll prob go to jail.You need to go and turn yourself in and then pay your fine.If you go in to pay it you will most likely get arrested

  2. Turn yourself in. If this is your only warrant and you don't have a record,  it's highly unlikely you'll go to jail.  You will have to go to court to either pay the fine in full or make some kind of payment plan.  The fact that you've already blown off your payments without notifying anyone will work against you.  But the longer you put this off, the worse it will get.  Every time you apply for a job, get stopped by a cop, ask for a loan, or do anything that results in any kind of background check, this will be waiting for you.

    Get it over with now, while it isn't such a big deal.  

  3. have an attorney pay the fine and request the dismissal of the warrant.

    the court should grant this request unless you have pi$$ed off the judge.

    Once it is settled be sure you carry the payment and dismissal order with you, it is not uncommon for the computers to be wrong, and you could go to jail again for the same fine.

  4. A warrant doesn't go away until you are arrested or the judge dismisses it.  Pay your fines and turn yourself in.  If you do it on a Friday you can be out in time for work on Monday.

    Actually, you should let someone else pay the fine for you so that you can voluntarily turn yourself in.

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