
I have a weak doubles partner and im worried any tips?

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my new doubles partner for tennis in school isnt that great at tennis. she can get some/most balls back although she's not that consistent but she cannot volley or serve whatsoever. I've been playing for about 4 years and have a very strong serve and volley and powerful groundstrokes but we are playing against another school in 2 days and im worried about what to do. I really need to win this match as i need to prove to my tennis teacher at school that i should be captain but she is my friend but i dont want to sound harsh but she's kinda dragging me down

what do i do?!

we can't back out/cancel the match




  1. practice WITH her and make her better!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Try to play so that she's your defense and you're attacking as much as possible. Hopefully, she is strong in something, like fast enough to get hard balls, and you can use her. If she's reliable in ground strokes, let her stay back. Even when you serve, switch quickly that she's back and you at the net. Let her do a pop serve or whatever, just to get the ball in. Don't try to do everything yourself, let her play, let her cover her half of the court, or you will be too tired by the end of the first set.

  3. have her always play net. ha ha

  4. In this situation, I would suggest you tell your partner to just make sure she tries to get her first serve in, no matter how hard, because it put pressure on the opponents.  Also, when your partner is at the net, tell her to stand really close to the net, because the closer she is, the more likely she will make the volley.  If your opponents pick up on it, you just have to be ready to cover the lob.  And I suggest you be really aggressive and put the pressure on your opponents so that they feel they can only hit to your partner, but they will sometimes end up missing.

  5. Communication is key! Since you will be the backbone you will have to be the aggressive player. That means poach like you're playing the fianals of a grandslam, serve like you have nothing to lose. But keep your partner in the know how. Always use the doubles talk, "yours!", "mine!", "switch!", "bounce it!". She has to understand not to trespass and cramp your style if you have a better chance of hitting a winner. And in the long run you'll also show your coach that you have a great sense on the court and can communicate with other teammates making you more approachable.

  6. You have to poch all the balls at the net and end the points quickly with a serve and volley the shortrer the point the less chance of a mistake on you partners part.

  7. Have your partner practice volleys at the net, if you have any time.   When playing, have your partner go to the net as much as possible, and you must be prepared to cover most of the rest of the court.    Usually your opponents will hesitate to hit right to your partner at the net, and all she has to do is block the ball when she is up there.   Also, it is good advice to have her just try to bloop the first serve in, if that is the best she can do.

  8. ok you be the animal all over the court and talk to your coach about it but since you are a girl.. and girls are sensitive... you probably shouldn't tell your partner but definitely discuss this dilema with your coach

  9. The only way you can improve your parntner is to practice some singles with her and get her to do some volleys, maybe you can help her technique. The second thing is to try and take the majority of shots and hit the ball to the other teams weaker player. Also if she has a weak serve try and serve both for your team more then her. What I mean is you could go to serve and pretend you forgot it was her turn, it might work once.

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