Okay, so through out my childhood i have all ways been up and down in weight, mostly on the upside. I would get picked on all throughout elementary school, and it really made me hate my body. By the time i was twelve, 5' and 145 pounds, i decided to do something. I had tried dieting in the past and nothing worked, so my family agreed to putting me on weight watchers. I did it for an entire summer and only lost 10 pounds, so i quit, tried to maintain the weight loss, but went back to my unbelievable binging. one day i decided to try to make myself throw up, and then that became a habit, but my parents caught me, and ive been seeing random doctors, and psychologists since. But this summer i finally convinced my parents to allow me to try the dr.Bernstein diet. And it was great! I started at 145 pounds two months ago , and i now weigh 117, and i just started the maintenance program. but i still see myself as fat. and the other day, i went on a total binging spree, eating anything i could. i don't know whats wrong with me, and when i try to talk to my parents, it just feels pointless because they jdon'tdont understand . i feel kind of empty inside, and food is the one thing that can comfort me, but then i feel so stupid when i give into the cravingsdon'tdont know what to do, if there is anyone out there that can help me, please post!