
I have a weird riddle.

by  |  earlier

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I saw a man looking at a picture of his grandson's uncle's brother's father. Who was he looking at?




  1. he was lookin at himself or his gradson's other grandpa on his other side of the family

  2. Not necessarily himself. Think about it.

    Your grandson’s uncle isn't necessarily your son.

    So either himself or his grandsons grandfather on the other side of the family.

    Why has someone bothered their a*se going down the entire page giving every answer a thumbs down? I thought I was bored.

  3. Himself.

    A.K.A, His grandsons uncles brothers father.

  4. him! good!

  5. himself.


  6. himself, or if you think about it, the uncle could be on the other family's side (like the kid's mom's side, and not his dad's)

    but thats thinking way too far into it...

  7. His grandson's grandfather.

    Now, that should eliminate the grandfather brother's thing.

    While his grandson's grandfather is most likely himself.  

  8. He was looking at a picture of his grandson's uncle's brother's father.

  9. There is a huge possibilitiy that he is lokking at himself, But he could also be looking at one of he's brothers!!!!! Ever thought about that????!!!!???!  =0)

  10. himself, or his grandson's other grandfather

  11. his grandsons uncles brothers father

  12. he was looking at a picture of himself. duh

  13. Himself

  14. He was looking at himself
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