
I have a weird sore throat.?

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My throat is really sore. I seem to have some of the symptoms of Strep throat but I don't have a fever. I have white patches in my mouth. My tongue hurts which is weird. And I have pink bumps on my tongue, which I am sure are just taste buds, because my tongue has a burnt feeling to it. When I swallow (even if I am not swallowing anything) it feels like something is stuck in my throat, although I am sure there is not. When I try to swallow food it hurts unless it is liquid. No matter how much I chew my food it feels like I didn't chew it enough. It feels like my esophagus is swollen shut. Is this strep throat? Is this a food allergy? Or is it something else?




  1. pl check this out

  2. Please see a doctor. You are right that strep usually means you will have a fever. Don't rule out tonsillitis. The reason food feels weird is that your throat is so swollen its constricting the flow of food.

    You might also want to get tested for food allergies.

  3. those are the same symptoms i had when i had mono.

    "strawberry tongue" is a symptom of allergy - or scarlet fever.

    how do you know it isn't mono?  i thought it was strep for three weeks, i finally got a diagnosis of mono - after lots of tests.

  4. It sounds a little bit like when I had mono, are you unusually tired?

    Either way you should see a doctor soon, maybe even go to a nurse's clinic. As you probably know strep can get very serious if left untreated, and nobody knows better than a trained professional.

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