
I have a white fronted amazon parrot and i'm filled with questions!!!?

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ever since i put him on a bird stand in my room non of my friend or family member included my dogs can enter or get out the room without some serious injury, but if i put him in a cage he start to yell and cry very loud and annoy. i thought it just the matter of time i always hope that he will get better with other people when he knows them, but it just getting worse. i never punish him except my pa. i taught him to talk, he just being sweet to me, but not to other people. i wonder if i have spoiled him, but i can't figure out how. what can i do?

and other questions

1. should i put him in a cage or put him on a bird stand?

2. how do i stop him from yelling in the cage?

3. what should i do when my parrot mix his food into water? (he didn't want to eat his food with water he just like to mix the food into water)

4. why does my parrot vomit sunflower seeds when he nibble at my hand?

5. why does my parrot like to run like a chicken?

6. how can i teach him not to yell when people pass by my room?

ps. these all happened before my father injured him.




  1. Well dear, this is very simple  You should keep him in his cage.  A bird stand is for playing.

    As far as yelling in the cage, here's what we do.  Get a squirt bottle, fill it with simple tap water, and squirt him once every time he yells.  It's a training thing, so it'll take some time.  

    Amazons are a single person bird.  They bond to one person, and when others get near you, it's instinct for them to protect you.  You are, in his mind, part of his flock.  And others are a threat to your safety.

    He'll mix his food with water for s***s a giggles.  Parrots do that.

    He may just dislike sunflower seeds.  

    And if he's throwing up in your hand, he may be trying to feed you.

    Sunflower seeds, in our experience, make birds hateful.  Try not to give them to him.  Try walnuts or macadamia nuts.  They're all safe.  And he can eat almost everything you do.  Just no caffeine, chocolate, avocados, or apricots.  Fruits and vegetables are good for them.

    He's  bird.  Birds run like birds.  They waddle.

    We own 3 cockatoos, an eclectus and an African grey.  My mother has worked for a bird specialized store for 6 years, so we know what we're doing.


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