
I have a white persian cat and i nd advice on a nature product to keep him nice and white

by  |  earlier

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some parts are a little yellow like his tail and his front pawn he is an indoor cat .




  1. Try a whitening shampoo, I have attached a sample link at the bottom.

    If you have a pet groomer nearby or associated with your vet, ask their advice on which product they use and like.  

    Purrs to you and kitten.

  2. His paw is probably discolored from wiping his eye area while grooming.  Is it the inside of one of the paws?  My Persian, Percy, had a very orangey looking paw when I first got him.

    A great product to remove tear staining around the eyes and on the paws is Eye Envy -  I haven't heard of it being used on tails, though, but you could try.  You may want to check with a groomer about that.  There's lots of different whitening and brightening shampoos they use that could probably help make his coat less yellow.

    FYI - do NOT brush his coat as someone else suggested.  Persian coats should be COMBED - not brushed.  Brushes do little to remove the dead hairs of the undercoat and can break and pull out topcoat hairs.  A good quality steel-toothed comb will gently remove the dead hairs of the undercoat and leave the topcoat hairs intact.

  3. his fur is turning yellow cause of his l*****g try bathing him once a week and buying a cat brush plus a conditioner spray for his fur to keep him nice and pretty.

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