
I have a wilson avp quicksand volley ball is it good for indoor?

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i bought a wilson avp quicksand volley ball so i could practice volleyball for volleyball season ( team ) it is a indoor volleyball

on the label it says it is a beach volleyball but what is the differnce betwee/n a beach volleyball ( it looks the same ) and indoor volleyball ? will it affect my serving setting etc..




  1. the only difference is usually the weight and the air pressure of the ball also sometimes indoor volleyballs are not as cousiony

    you should be fine with the volleyball you have though

  2. It will work fine, it is a little tougher, so it can take more at the beach, but it works fine, it is the one I use. It is still regulation size and weight, so it doesn't affect your serve. + it will be better to use for practice outside at home Ü

    Hope this helps!

  3. That's the one I have and it works great

  4. no, you should be fine.

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