
I have a wolf spider that wont stop bothering me?

by  |  earlier

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it keeps coming back and crawling on my foot should i keep him or smash him?




  1. Neither. Just put him outside in your garden, and you'll both be happy.

  2. If you don't like him leave him outside don't kill it.

    it kills bugs so we need the spide

  3. Spiders play an important role in controlling insect populations. An arachnologist (a person who studies spiders) in the United Kingdom once calculated that the weight of insects eaten by spiders in that country every year exceeded the weight of the people who live in the U.K.

    Some gardeners encourage spiders to live in their gardens to kill unwanted pests. Using mulches helps spiders by giving them habitat with a moderate micro climate. Planting caraway, dill, fennel, cosmos, marigold, or spearmint also encourages spiders.

    Preventing Spider Problems

    There are many ways to make your home less appealing to spiders. If there are cracks in your foundation or around windows and doors, seal them up.

    Check places where water pipes and electrical lines enter your house, and caulk any openings.

    Keep woodpiles and debris away from your house.

    In storage areas, put boxes up off the floor and away from walls.

    Seal boxes with tape to keep spiders from living inside them. In general, cleaning up clutter will mean you have fewer spiders.

    Pruning vegetation away from your house and keeping the area next to the foundation clear will also make your house less attractive to spiders.

    Outdoor lighting sometimes attracts insects, which in turn attracts spiders. You can move outdoor lighting away from windows and doors if this is a problem around your home.

    This a very useful tool to catch spiders -

    Spider and Insect Catch and Release Tool

    You can remove a spider from inside your house by putting a jar over it. Then slip a piece of paper under the jar so that the opening is sealed, pick up the jar, and take the spider outside.

    A broom is also a useful tool for moving a spider outside.

    Chemicals Are Ineffective

    Using a pesticide is not a good solution to spider problems. "Insecticides will not provide long-term control" of spiders, according to the University of California, "and should not generally be used against spiders outdoors." Inside, "control by spraying is only temporary unless accompanied by housekeeping."

    Washington State University Extension has a similar perspective: "Most spider problems can be solved without the use of chemicals." -

  4. keep him^^..

  5. I usually just ignore them.(they are harmless to humans)

    I have a rather large one living behind my computer,and "she"recently

    hatched I have spider-lings dangling in front of my monitor.

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