
I have a yahoo group how do i prevent members creating another group elsewhere on the web?

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I have a group and a certain member has created my group on facebook some members of my group have joined and he problem is i dont have any control of this group i think its bad really as i created the group in the first place what can i do?




  1. If the Facebook group owner has actually copied content word for word from your group and placed it on his/her group, then you can file a complaint to Yahoo.  Here is the link to info you need for that:

    If your members are joining the other group without infringing on your group content, there's really nothing you can do about that.  Just keep your own group lively and interesting for all of your members and don't let it get you upset because this happens from time to time with lots of groups.  This too will pass..Members come and members go.  ;-)

  2. Change the name of your group so people will realize they are not one and the same. Maybe people have joined the facebook group thinking it was yours....

    Post a little message to her site saying you've changed the name to avoid any confusion. That way those who THOUGHT it was the same will go to yours instead. I think that's all you can do.

  3. anything outside of Yahoo doesn't violate Yahoo's TOS. you would have to log a complaint to facebook if content was copied word for word. members can also join any groups on the web they want. there is also many groups else where on the web that have same title groups- some intentional, some unintentional.

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